
Hire Me to Write a Movie Based on Your Ideas,
Convert Your Existing Book Into a Movie or TV Series,
or Bulletproof Your Existing Screenplay or Teleplay

Hy Bender

Hy Bender

Email: hy@hyreviews.com


Memorable Movie Quotes


Sixty Years of Great Movie Lines


I don't want any yes-men around me.

I want everybody to tell me the truth
even if it costs them their jobs.

—Samuel Goldwyn


Last updated September 2024


In any given year, there are roughly 35,000 screenplays registered with the Writers Guild of America. Only around 1,000 are purchased; and of those, just 400 for Hollywood-level money. And only about 250 are then turned into movies.


Those numbers paint a grim picture—until you realize that over 90 percent of screenplays are so fundamentally flawed that they can be rejected within 10 minutes of a reader flipping through their pages.


The real competition for the 1,000 sales a year is among 3,500 screenwriters who "get" what's needed—i.e., have a screenplay with a strong high concept, rock-solid structure, a compelling main character with a memorable arc, a clear target audience, and so on.


And beyond those fundamentals, the winners will be the writers who have a fresh , smart approach that makes them stand out from the crowd. This extra quality cuts the real competition to under 2,000—at which point the chances of a sale are around 1 in 2.


I can help your movie rise to this top 5 percent of the screenplay market.


My name is Hy Bender, and I write movie scripts and TV series pitches for hire. If you're at the idea stage, I can write your movie from scratch based on the ideas and information you provide. Or if you have an existing book, I can turn your manuscript into a screenplay or a detailed pitch for a TV series. (To learn about my book expertise, please visit BookProposal.net.)


Alternatively, if you have an existing screenplay or teleplay, you can hire me as a world-class story analyst to bulletproof your script.


I've dramatically improved the screenplays or TV pitches of hundreds of writers, ranging from total beginners to screenwriters who've had Hollywood features produced.


Alternatively, if you have a book that you want to convert into a screenplay or TV series pitch, I'm one of the few script writers for hire who's also a top expert on books.


Hy Bender


My credentials include:




Hy Bender

Five of Hy's 20+ books


I'm delighted to be of help regardless of your experience level.  Please just know that I'll treat you like a professional—that is, I'll be bluntly honest, and cut to the chase by focusing on your story's problems. If you have a thin skin, I'm not the writer or analyst for you.


But if you want thoughtful and impactful movie or TV writing, and/or extraordinarily on-target feedback about your story, I'd love to be of service.


Hy Bender


Here's what some of my clients have said about my services:


Hy's work is insightful, on point, and most important—helpful. If you're looking for an honest take on your story, analyzing every aspect from theme to tone to character to plot, I can't recommend anyone more. A 30-minute conversation with Hy cleared up issues I couldn't crack in three weeks of rewrites. I will never send out another script without first getting a lookover from Hy.

Andrew Lobel, a Hollywood writer represented by William Morris Endeavor who worked on upcoming big-budget feature film Artemis for 20th Century Fox, and co-wrote sword & sorcery epic Conan the Barbarian starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Earl Jones.


Among your most critical resources as a screenwriter are people you trust to read your script and then give you honest and insightful feedback. That's what's so great about Hy; he's extremely honest and very knowledgeable about screenplays. Hy really knows what he's talking about, and he's one of the few people I listen to regarding my work. Hy is a great resource.

Brendan Beseth, whose writing credits include the feature film Lucky Town starring Kirsten Dunst and James Caan.


Hy helped me develop my first screenplay from its initial draft to its final (and very different) version, many rewrites later. It was a lot of work; but I was thrilled to then land a manager on the strength of that single movie script. I've since written a second screenplay, and am now developing a third—and still regularly turn to Hy for his feedback.

Mariah Wilson, whose second screenplay was optioned; who's written & directed the documentaries Revealing Hate and Volunteer; and who's written for the TV shows Twist of Fate, Off the Hook, and Backyard Oil.


The worst thing a screenwriter can do is send a script into the marketplace before the pages are ready. Hy's analysis of my screenplay didn't pull any punches. His comments were sometimes humbling, but were also extremely understandable and easy to apply. After integrating Hy's notes, my screenplay is 100% stronger, particularly in theme and execution of my premise. I feel my script will now stand up to even the most discerning studio reader.
Allan Fair, who's contributed to HBO's Entourage; has had sitcom pilots under consideration at CBS, ABC and NBC; has won Scriptapalooza and TV Writer scriptwriting contests; and is prominently featured on the ScreenStyle DVD How to Pitch Your Movie Idea.


Hy, when I sent my sitcom pilot to be critiqued I was thinking you'd find a few more jokes to squeeze out of it.  Boy, were my expectations exceeded!  Sure my script has more jokes, but your forcing me to think more about the characters and theme makes the script funnier on a holistic level.  Even the premise is funnier!  I can't thank you enough.
Allan Fair (see above)


Note: Before you send your script to anyone, I recommend registering it with the US Copyright Office at copyright.gov/registration. It's a quick process, and the $45 fee is worth it for peace of mind alone. While you can register a script with the Writers Guild of America East  (WGAEeast.org, for $25) or the Writers Guild of America West (WGARegistry.org, for $20), it's actually the US Copyright Office that provides you with the most complete legal protection.


Hy Bender


If you're interested in hiring me for script writing or analysis, please email your name and phone number to hy@hyreviews.com.


Alternatively, if you'd like help developing a book (for example, to lay a strong marketing and legal foundation for your movie), please visit my ghostwriting site at BookProposal.net.


Whatever your writing needs, I'd love to hear from you, learn about your ideas, answer any questions you might have, and chat about how I might be of help in turning your vision into a movie, TV series, and/or book.


Copyright © 2024 Hy Bender

Email: hy@hyreviews.com